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 This project is co-funded by European Union through the Interreg- IPA CBC Programme  -

Social Entrepreneurship

Ecosystem Development - SEED

St. October 11 bb, 2400 Strumica, R.N.Macedonia - Foundation for Development of SME, s-Regional centar Strumica, R.N.Macedonia


St. Skopje no. 4, 2900 Goce Delchev, R. Bulgaria - Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev, Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre - R. Bulgaria














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  • Foundation for Development of SME,s-Regional centar Strumica, R.N.Macedonia

  • Business Incubator- Gotse Delchev, Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre - R. Bulgaria

Main activities:

  • Campaign for Social Entrepreneurship awareness and Ideas gathering in MK and BG

  • Social Entrepreneurship Hubs establishment (1 in BG and 1 in MK) Training contents development of SE e-learning.

  • Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem workshop - in MK with 10 MK and 10 BG stakeholders, potential actors in SE ecosystem.....


The project contributes to social human capital development, employment fostering, community development and thus social and economic development of the region through interconnected intervention in 2 main important direction:

  1. the intensive work with young people and NGOs to build their capacity for social entrepreneurship and

  2. uniting efforts of stakeholders to raise awareness and develop ecosystem for support of social entrepreneurship, social innovation and cooperation..... 

About project


This web page has been produced with the assistance of the European Union through the Interreg - IPA CBC Programme  CCI No 2014TC16I5CB006  - . The content of this web page is the sole responsibility of Foundation for Development of small and medium enterprises Strumica and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Autority of the Programme.

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