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This project is co-funded by European Union through the Interreg- IPA CBC Programme -
Social Entrepreneurship
Ecosystem Development - SEED
The project will stimulate social entrepreneurship capacity building of youths and NGOs and encourage development of ecosystem & innovative solutions to the region societal challenges.
The project encourages individual development of the youths and NGOs through investing in people, in their capacities and creativity, and empowers them creating opportunity for jobs or own business, improves their social skills, new interactions and network by transferring knowledge and developing skills of young people and NGOs for social innovation and entrepreneurship, stimulates them for innovative thinking and contribution to development in the region and social cohesion, support networking between them and thus the competitiveness of the region. The process of developing innovative social business ideas and the mentoring support will stimulate development of new social products, services, technologies and capabilities to investigate and run a business in social economy, introduction of new working methods, better and more efficient networking. On long run this brings more income which means more growth and translates into better living standard. Involved NGOs will improve their knowledge and skills in delivering services to meet the community needs, to mobilize local resources and be more financially sustainable. The whole society benefits from innovative ideas and solutions of social entrepreneurship and ecosystem that address society’s needs. The project entrepreneurial environment for startup or employment in a social enterprise may turn current clients of social support institutions into partners who actively strive for the improvement of their lives. It makes sense that social economy is one solution toward building a stronger, more cohesive Europe!
The aim of the project is to contribute to raising awareness and development of social entrepreneurship by strengthening the trust of direct beneficiaries and institutions, building strong relationships and networking, encouraging employment in the region, through related interconnected activities in two main areas:
Intensive work with direct beneficiaries (youth and non-governmental organizations) to build social entrepreneurship capacity
Joint efforts of stakeholders (public authorities, educational and social institutions, social enterprises, business associations, social business supporters, etc.) to raise awareness and develop an ecosystem for support of social innovation and cooperation.
Youth, students from high and vocational schools and university;
Disadvantaged youth such as young people in risk of social exclusion, unemployed youth of NEET,s marginalized target groups, young people from minorities
Non-governmental organizations
Public authorities and institutions dealing with social initiatives and entrepreneurship
Social enterprises
Business and educational organizations, media
Campaign for Social Entrepreneurship awareness and ideas gathering
Social Entrepreneurship Hubs establishment
Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem workshop
Knowledge transfer and skills development on social entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship Camp
Intensive learning in EU country
Cross-border Social Entrepreneurship Marketplace
Cross-border Conference on Social Entrepreneurship
Information and Publicity
Supported joint start-up and self-employment initiatives
Number of participants (split into men and women) in supported training and qualification initiatives
Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support
Supported initiatives for economic development and investment promotion
Number of cooperation networks
About project
This web page has been produced with the assistance of the European Union through the Interreg - IPA CBC Programme CCI No 2014TC16I5CB006 -
. The content of this web page is the sole responsibility of Foundation for Development of small and medium enterprises Strumica and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Autority of the Programme.
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