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This project is co-funded by European Union through the Interreg- IPA CBC Programme -
Social Entrepreneurship
Ecosystem Development - SEED
Foundation for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises - Strumica invites you to a first Cross-border Social Entrepreneurship Marketplace under the project "Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development", which is implemented in partnership with Business Incubator - Center for Entrepreneurship support from Goce Delchev - R.Bulgaria . The project is co-financed by the EU, through the Interreg-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program between R.N. Macedonia - R.Bulgaria.
The Social Entrepreneurship Marketplace will be held on November 19 - 20, 2020 (Thursday, Friday), in hotel "Sirius" (conference hall) -Strumica starting at 12.00p.m.
The aim of the Social Entrepreneurship Marketplace is presentation 16 (8 Mk and 8 Bg) social business ideas to potential investors, social businesses, institutions and organizations that support them, as well as stakeholders - public authorities, NGOs, the community.
We look forward to your presence.
Agend for first cross-border marketplace
Invitation for first cross-broder marketplace
This web page has been produced with the assistance of the European Union through the Interreg - IPA CBC Programme CCI No 2014TC16I5CB006 -
. The content of this web page is the sole responsibility of Foundation for Development of small and medium enterprises Strumica and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Autority of the Programme.
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